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Welcome to Self-Help Gambling Tools

The Self-Help Tools below may be used anonymously. Registration is free.

Introductory Video
View a short introductory video to learn more about the Self-Help Gambling Tools.
Answering these nine questions will help you understand if gambling is having a negative impact on your life.

Monitor Your Gambling & Urges
Use this web tool to keep track of when you gamble, or feel the urge to gamble.
Mobile App also available.
Community Forum
The community forum is now closed. Please click the link above for more information.

Self-Help for Those who Gamble
Do you gamble? These interactive tools will help you explore, cut down or stop gambling.
Self-Help for Family and Friends
Does someone you care about gamble too much? With these interactive exercises, learn why they gamble and what you can do to help.



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